I want to get only first 10 or possibly n rows in-memory as java list using copyFromRealm method. Consider like this:
RealmResults<RecentViewItem> results = realm.where(RecentViewItem.class).findAllSorted("updatedAt", Sort.DESCENDING);
// This will load all rows in-memory list
List<RecentViewItem> list = realm.copyFromRealm(results);
// But I want only first n rows without running any loop.
UPDATE: Since RealmResult extends AbstractList -
RealmResults<RecentViewItem> results =
.findAllSorted("updatedAt", Sort.DESCENDING);
List<RecentViewItem> temp = results.subList(0, maxNoRecentViewItem); // Still list of RealmProxyObject
List<RecentViewItem> list = realm.copyFromRealm(temp); // List of RecentViewItem Object