I am using Python/Beatbox to access Salesforce cases.
service = beatbox.PythonClient() # instantiate the object
service.login(...) # login using your sf credentials
query_result = service.query("SELECT Id, AccountId, CaseNumber FROM Case WHERE Id='xyz' ")
I'm interested in a specific case:
print query_result[0].Id
Get attachments...
att_result = service.query("SELECT Id, ContentType, Name FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId= '" + str(query_result[0].Id) + "'")
So far the results are good. Now I want to download the files uploaded to the case. What should be my query? I tried following and its always empty..But Im sure the case has files as well as attachments..
doc_result = service.query("SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId, Title FROM AttachedContentDocument WHERE Id= '" + str(query_result[0].Id) + "'")
I also tried the document object and still no success. I appreciate your help.
Refer this for session_id: https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce