How to get Drawable to Bitmap from AsyncImage Coil Jetpack Compose

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I am using an AsyncImage to load a image in my composable and there is function which generates PDF. In that function I want to pass the result of AsyncImage as a Bitmap. I can get the painter object in onSucess call of Async Image.

    model = imageUrl,
    contentDescription = null,
    modifier = Modifier
    contentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds,
    fallback = fallbackImage,
    error = fallbackImage,
    placeholder = fallbackImage,
    onSuccess = {

I tried to search for a option to convert painter into Bitmap in compose and was not able to do it. I was wondering if there is way to either convert the painter to bitmap or if there is option to get the Bitmap after async image has loaded.


There are 1 answers

Thracian On

You can get it from rememberAsyncImagePainter as

    val painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter(
        model = overlayImage,

    var bitmap = remember<Bitmap?> {

    val imageState = painter.state
    if (imageState is AsyncImagePainter.State.Success) {
        bitmap = imageState.result.drawable.toBitmap()

You can also refer this answer