I want to get information about Disks, Aggregates and LUNs using netapp ontap api 8.1. I am able to get list of volumes using following code:
VolumeListInfoIterStartRequest volumeListReq = new VolumeListInfoIterStartRequest();
Iterator<VolumeInfo> volumeIter = apirunner.iterate(volumeListReq,10);
VolumeInfo volume ;
while(volumeIter.hasNext()) {
volume = volumeIter.next();
System.out.println("Name : " + volume.getName());
System.out.println("Type : " + volume.getType());
System.out.println("State : " + volume.getState());
System.out.println("Total size (bytes) : " + volume.getSizeTotal());
System.out.println("Used size (bytes) : " + volume.getSizeUsed());
System.out.println("Total disk count is .. "+ volume.getDiskCount());
System.out.println("sysinfo is .. "+ volume.getSis());
System.out.println("Total available size .. " + volume.getSizeAvailable());
System.out.println("UUID is .. "+volume.getUuid());
String vol = volume.getName();
System.out.println("snapshot is "+ volume);
But when I try to use api for LUN exactly same as above I get error in iterate function. My code is:
LunListInfoRequest lunreq = new LunListInfoRequest();
System.out.println("luninfo is .. " + lunreq);
Iterator<LunInfo> lunInfoIter = apirunner.iterate(lunreq,10);
I got error in last line.
How do I get information about Disks, aggregates and LUNs??