how to get current Cucumber feature file name at runtime using Java

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I want get current feature file name at runtime using Java. I have scenario info in hook but unable to get feature file

    public void before(final Scenario scenario) {
               this.scenario = scenario;

Do we have any similar thing to get current Feature file name ?? i am using cucumber version 1.2.4


There are 8 answers

Piotr P On

maybe like this, its return only filename:

private String getFeatureFileNameFromScenarioId(Scenario scenario) {
    String[] tab = scenario.getId().split("/");
    int rawFeatureNameLength = tab.length;
    String featureName = tab[rawFeatureNameLength - 1].split(":")[0];
    System.out.println("featureName: " + featureName);

    return featureName;
mcleap On

There is an easier way to extract the feature name (without .feature postfix) from Scenario if you can add Apache commons-io on your classpath:

String featureName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(scenario.getUri().toString());

If you need the full feature file name with postfix you should use the getName(...) method instead:

String fullFeatureName = FilenameUtils.getName(scenario.getUri().toString());
Qusai Dahboor On

I used the below method at Hooks class

    public void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario){

// scenarioId = "file:///**/src/test/resources/features/namefeature.feature:99"

        String scenarioId=scenario.getId(); 

        int start=scenarioId.indexOf(File.separator+"features"+File.separator);
        int end=scenarioId.indexOf(".");

        String[] featureName=scenarioId.substring(start,end).split(File.separator+"features"+File.separator);
        System.out.println("featureName ="+featureName[1]);
K.H. On

Kotlin 1.5, cucumber-java 6.10.0:

fun beforeScenario(scenario: Scenario) {

In my case prints:

iso On

Create Scenario instance in Hooks class with static keyword. Than you can use the following codes inside step definitions.

String currentFilePath = Hooks.scenario.getUri().toString();
String fileName = currentFilePath.substring(currentFilePath.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Carlo Matulessy On


This is my implementation for feature names starting with an uppercase letter like in the example:

private String getFeatureFileNameFromScenarioId(Scenario scenario) {
    String featureName = "Feature ";
    String rawFeatureName = scenario.getId().split(";")[0].replace("-"," ");
    featureName = featureName + rawFeatureName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + rawFeatureName.substring(1);

    return featureName;


I don't know if this is useful for you, but I would suggest to use scenario.getId()

This will give you the feature file name and scenario name, for example:

Feature: Login to the app

Scenario: Login to the app with password
Given I am on the login screen
When I enter my passcode
Then I press the ok button

with scenario.getId() you would get the following:


Hope this helps you!

Jigs On

You can use Reporter to get the current running instance and then extract our the actual feature name from the feature file like so:

    Object[] paramNames = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getParameters();          
    String featureName = paramNames[1].toString().replaceAll("^\"+|\"+$", "");
    System.out.println("Feature file name: " + featureName);
Motivated Mind On

Create a listener as below

import io.cucumber.plugin.ConcurrentEventListener;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventHandler;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventPublisher;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseStarted;

public class Listener implements ConcurrentEventListener {

  public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher eventPublisher) {
    eventPublisher.registerHandlerFor(TestCaseStarted.class, testCaseStartedEventHandler);

  private final EventHandler<TestCaseStarted> testCaseStartedEventHandler = event -> {
    System.out.println("Current file fame : " + event.getTestCase().getUri().toString());

And then supply your listener to cucumber as below

"-p", "com.myProject.listener.Listener"

This will give you feature file name !