I am using sample project of abbyy mobile SDK for iPhone (version 4). using this how can i get co-ordinates of specific word(s) of an image using the mobile sdk for iphone .
I have checked the API reference and found FineRecognizeRegion Function but do not know how can i use it to get the co-ordinates of a specific word(s) on an image taken by device camera.
Please help
Thanks in advance
I have found a slightly diffrent way to highlight a particular word(s):
The recognition results stores in the Layout class (see Help → Wrapper for iOS/MacOSX → Recognition Result Classes → CMocrLayout).
In the sample the recognition results are getting in the line CFineLayout* recognitionResults = [fineManager copyRecognitionResults]; (see the processRecognitionResult method from MainRecognitionController.m file)
Then use the following properties: 1) Block property of Layout, 2) Lines property of Block, 3) Characters property of TextLine, 4) CharRect property of Character.
CharRect property contains rectangular area on the image with a character inside.
To get word coordinates you can use coordinates of its first and last characters.
Hope the information is helpful!