How to get claims from jwt token in spring webflux

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I am having a spring webflux based GraphQL application. The application is configured as resourceServer and I am able to access the /graphql endpoint by passing JWT token.

Within the JWT token there are claims that I want to access. I am trying to use the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext() but getting null every time.


The above code is in the GraphqlQueryResolver class. For graphql I are using the below dependency.


Below is the security configuration.

public class SecurityConfig {

    public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {

        return http
                .csrf(spec -> spec.disable())


Now I am getting a UUID as part of the access token claim which I want to access on my graphql resolver class. But every time I try to get the JWT using the above code I am getting null.

If I try to get the same in @RestController with @AutheticationPrincipal it works perfectly. But I want to access the same using the SecurityContext in graphql resolver class.

Here is a simple resolver

public class CustomerResolver implements GraphQLQueryResolver {

    public Mono<String> getCustomerById (){

        return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()
                .map(ctx -> ctx.getAuthentication())
                .map(authentication -> {
                    if(authentication instanceof OAuth2AuthenticationToken){
                        return ((OAuth2AuthenticationToken) authentication).getPrincipal().getAttributes();
                    } else if(authentication instanceof JwtAuthenticationToken){
                        return ((JwtAuthenticationToken) authentication).getTokenAttributes();
                    return null;
                }).map(jwt -> String.valueOf(jwt));

And the corresponding schema file for graphql

type Query {
    getCustomerById: String

There are 1 answers

Alex On

Try to create minimal example to isolate the issue. The following worked for me with your security configuration but without Okta.configureResourceServer401ResponseBody(http);

public class RouteConfig {

    @GetMapping(value = "/api/test")
    public Mono<String> test() {
        return ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()
                .map(ctx -> ctx.getAuthentication().getPrincipal())
                .map(jwt -> jwt.getClaimAsString("tenant"));

Here is a test using

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class RouteConfigTest {
    private WebTestClient client;

    void test() {

    private static SecurityMockServerConfigurers.JwtMutator jwt() {
        return mockJwt()
                .jwt(jwt -> jwt.claim("tenant", "company"));