I'm writing an app with Swift on macOS. I want to create an NSAlert with a vertical NSStackView that will let the user pick one out of N options. To do that, I hook up my NSStackView in the accessoryView property of my NSAlert, and for some reason my Radio Buttons don't show.
Here's what I've tried so far:
let a = NSAlert()
a.messageText = "Dummy1"
a.informativeText = "Dummy2"
a.addButton(withTitle: "OK")
let rb = NSButton(radioButtonWithTitle: "Foo", target: nil, action: nil)
a.accessoryView = rb
This shows me my NSAlert with one radio button labelled Foo. So the accessory view seems to work.
Now I place the radio button in a StackView:
let a = NSAlert()
a.messageText = "Dummy1"
a.informativeText = "Dummy2"
a.addButton(withTitle: "OK")
let rb = NSButton(radioButtonWithTitle: "Foo", target: nil, action: nil)
let vsv = NSStackView()
vsv.orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.vertical
vsv.distribution = NSStackViewDistribution.equalSpacing
vsv.alignment = .leading
vsv.isHidden = false
vsv.addView(rb, in: .center)
a.accessoryView = vsv
Now the radio button doesn't appear anymore. Adding more radio buttons in the StackView doesn't help either.
I was able to get this working but I didn't setup any constraints since I just needed a fixed size. Here's an example that stacks two text fields with a fixed width: