How to get all records from multiple API calls?

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I'm currently writing a Java program to obtain some lists from the LTA DataMall API. The problem is that each call to the LTA DataMall API returns a maximum of 50 records, and I want to get all records (which could only be done 50 at a time) and write it to a CSV file instead of just the first 50 records only.

For this example, I'm going to use the BusStops API.

A typical API call from LTA DataMall

According to this userguide, API responses typically return a maximum of 50 records per call.

Say that I'm calling for the BusStops API, of which the GET request will be something like The resulting response will look something like this:

    "odata.metadata": "$metadata#BusStops",
    "value": [
            "BusStopCode": "01012",
            "RoadName": "Victoria St",
            "Description": "Hotel Grand Pacific",
            "Latitude": 1.29684825487647,
            "Longitude": 103.85253591654006
            "BusStopCode": "01013",
            "RoadName": "Victoria St",
            "Description": "St. Joseph's Ch",
            "Latitude": 1.29770970610083,
            "Longitude": 103.8532247463225
            "BusStopCode": "01019",
            "RoadName": "Victoria St",
            "Description": "Bras Basah Cplx",
            "Latitude": 1.29698951191332,
            "Longitude": 103.85302201172507
            "BusStopCode": "01029",
            "RoadName": "Nth Bridge Rd",
            "Description": "Cosmic Insurance Bldg",
            "Latitude": 1.2966729849642,
            "Longitude": 103.85441422464267
        // and so on, up till ...
            "BusStopCode": "02099",
            "RoadName": "Raffles Blvd",
            "Description": "Marina Ctr Ter",
            "Latitude": 1.29101661693418,
            "Longitude": 103.86255772172497
            "BusStopCode": "02101",
            "RoadName": "Raffles Ave",
            "Description": "Bef Temasek Ave",
            "Latitude": 1.28939197625331,
            "Longitude": 103.8618029276249

Keep in mind that each request returns 50 records, so to get another 50 records, I have to append $skip to the URL, so to retrieve the 51st to 100th record, the URL will be like this:$skip=49.

FYI, there are 5296 BusStop records in total.

The Problem

With that in mind, I'm trying to write the above response to a CSV file. The method below is created for this purpose:

public static void writeBusStops() {
        String file = "./csv/bus_stops.csv";
        // mainQueryItems is to get the JsonObjects. They will also be written to the CSV file as headers.
        String[] mainQueryItems = new String[]{"BusStopCode", "RoadName",
            "Description", "Latitude", "Longitude"};
        Iterator<JsonElement> jIter;
        int count = 0;

        try (CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(file))) {
            writer.writeNext(mainQueryItems); // write the header

            // ApiLTA.getBusStops(0) just gets the raw JSON from LTA's DataMall API from the 1st to 50th record.
            // To get the 51st to 100th record, change '0' to '49', i.e. ApiLTA.getBusStops(49).
            // "value" is the JsonArray I want to get, all others like "odata.metadata" are redundant.
            jIter = jsonIterator(ApiLTA.getBusStops(0),"value");

            while (jIter.hasNext()) { // each bus stop
                JsonObject jObject =;

                // Get the individual items
                String[] svcItems = new String[mainQueryItems.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < mainQueryItems.length; i++) {
                    svcItems[i] = getStringItem(jObject, mainQueryItems[i]);

                // Write the items to the CSV file


                if ((count + 1) % 50 == 0) {
                    System.out.println("new " + count); // for debug
                    jIter = jsonIterator(ApiLTA.getBusStops(count), "value");
            System.out.println("done"); // for debug
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(ApiLTADeserialiser.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (Exception e) {

EDIT: For those interested in the jsonIterator method...

private static Iterator<JsonElement> jsonIterator(String jsonToParse, String k)
        throws JsonSyntaxException, IllegalStateException {
    // Parse the raw JSON
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    JsonElement raw = parser.parse(jsonToParse); // The jsonToParse is simply, the URL of the GET request

    // Get the array we need directly and pass it to an iterator
    JsonArray jArray = raw.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray(k);

    return jArray.iterator();

I am using gson-2.7 and opencsv.3.8 as my external packages.

The intended output in the CSV file was to be:

"01012","Victoria St","Hotel Grand Pacific","1.29684825487647","103.85253591654006"
"01013","Victoria St","St. Joseph's Ch","1.29770970610083","103.8532247463225"
"01019","Victoria St","Bras Basah Cplx","1.29698951191332","103.85302201172507"
"01029","Nth Bridge Rd","Cosmic Insurance Bldg","1.2966729849642","103.85441422464267"
// and so on
"99009","Changi Village Rd","Changi Village Ter","1.38969812175274","103.98762553601895"
"99011","Loyang Ave","Bef Sch Of Commando","1.38328110134472","103.97812168830427"
// and so on

However, the output became:

"01012","Victoria St","Hotel Grand Pacific","1.29684825487647","103.85253591654006"
"01013","Victoria St","St. Joseph's Ch","1.29770970610083","103.8532247463225"
"01019","Victoria St","Bras Basah Cplx","1.29698951191332","103.85302201172507"
"01029","Nth Bridge Rd","Cosmic Insurance Bldg","1.2966729849642","103.85441422464267"
// and so on
"02089","Raffles Blvd","Pan Pacific Hotel","1.29152694444975","103.8592061110504"
"02099","Raffles Blvd","Marina Ctr Ter","1.29101661693418","103.86255772172497"
"01012","Victoria St","Hotel Grand Pacific","1.29684825487647","103.85253591654006"
"01013","Victoria St","St. Joseph's Ch","1.29770970610083","103.8532247463225"
// and so on

Which is basically, repeating the first 50 records itself.

What do you all feel would be a better way of making multiple API calls to populate all the records instead of repeating the first 50 records itself? How then can I accommodate this method to get less than 50 records?


There are 1 answers

Lyubomyr Shaydariv On

I don't have access to that API and didn't take a look into how to obtain the API key, but I made a simple Spring-based mock which, I hope, works exactly the way your API works.

First off, $skip=49 looks a bit weird to me. Having no experience in the API, I believe it should be $skip=50.

Second, you might want to redesign your reading and writing routines separating their responsibilities. What if you redesign your data producing and consuming methods to make them a bit more flexible?


The following method creates a special iterable that generates an iterator over any objects and checks the out-of-bounds state itself encapsulating the iteration state. It accepts three parameters: slice size (50 in your case), a mapper that accepts the "skipped" state and must produce a new value for the upcoming iterator next(), and a predicate that checks whether the producing iterator can be considered finished.

private static <T> Iterable<T> produce(final int slice, final IntFunction<T> mapper, final Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
    return () -> new Iterator<T>() {
        private boolean hasMore = true;
        private int i;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return hasMore;

        public T next()
                throws NoSuchElementException {
            if ( !hasMore ) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            final T next = mapper.apply(i * slice);
            hasMore = predicate.test(next);
            return next;

getValuesFrom() and hasNotEmptyValues()

These two methods are really simple and just allow to examine the incoming JSON objects.

private static JsonArray getValuesFrom(final JsonElement root) {
    final JsonObject rootObject = root.getAsJsonObject();
    return rootObject.get("values").getAsJsonArray();

private static boolean hasNotEmptyValues(final JsonElement root) {
    return getValuesFrom(root).size() != 0;


This is a special, not really generic, method that accepts the produced/generated content and delegates its product to the consumer upon some special rules:

  • The given iterable is converted to a stream in order to use Java 8 Stream API facilities. (Using Google Guava alternatives is fine as well and can be used in non-Java 8 environments).
  • The stream is filtered against empty values since the produce() method returns empty value as the "finished" marker.
  • The filtered out stuff now is flatMapped to flatten the values stored in the root object of responses.
  • Then it's mapped to JsonObject
  • And finally forEach JsonObject is delegated to the given consumer passed as the second parameter
private static void consumeJsonValues(final Iterable<? extends JsonElement> jsonElements, final Consumer<? super JsonObject> consumer) {
    stream(jsonElements.spliterator(), false)
            .flatMap(root -> stream(getValuesFrom(root).spliterator(), false))


private static JsonElement readBusStops(final Gson gson, final int skip) {
    try ( final InputStream inputStream = new URL("$skip=" + skip).openStream();
          final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream) ) {
        return gson.fromJson(reader, JsonElement.class);
    } catch ( final IOException ex ) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);

How does it look like after all?

As you might notice earlier, all the stuff is located in LtaMockControllerClient. Consider the following main() method:

private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

public static void main(final String... args)
        throws IOException {
    try ( final CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out))) ) {
        writer.writeNext(new String[]{ "BusStopCode", "RoadName", "Description", "Latitude", "Longitude" });
                produce(50, skip -> readBusStops(gson, skip), LtaMockControllerClient::hasNotEmptyValues),
                v -> writer.writeNext(new String[]{

The code above is pretty easy, literally:

  • Open a CSV writer (for example, to System.out).
  • Write the header line.
  • Make a producer/consumer pipeline to read from the remote service (see what the produce() method accepts) and delegating the parsed result to a consumer that just writes the parsed properties to the result CSV file.

In the code above there is localhost:9000, as this is just a local mock server to behave like the LTA service. It's just a regular REST controller written in Spring MVC:

public class LtaMockController {

    private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

    private static final List<BusStopDto> busStops = generateBusStops(5296);

    @RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/BusStops", produces = "application/json")
    public String get(
            @RequestParam(value = "$skip", defaultValue = "0") final int from
    ) {
        final int size = busStops.size();
        final List<BusStopDto> values = from <= size
                ? busStops.subList(from, min(from + 50, size))
                : emptyList();
        return gson.toJson(new ResponseDto("$metadata#BusStops", values));

    private static List<BusStopDto> generateBusStops(final int count) {
        final List<BusStopDto> busStops = new ArrayList<>();
        for ( int i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) {
            busStops.add(new BusStopDto("code:" + i, "road:" + i, "description:" + i, i, i));
        return unmodifiableList(busStops);

    private static final class ResponseDto {

        private final String odataMetadata;

        private final List<BusStopDto> values;

        private ResponseDto(final String odataMetadata, final List<BusStopDto> values) {
            this.odataMetadata = odataMetadata;
            this.values = values;


    private static final class BusStopDto {

        private final String busStopCode;

        private final String roadName;

        private final String description;

        private final double latitude;

        private final double longitude;

        private BusStopDto(final String busStopCode, final String roadName, final String description, final double latitude, final double longitude) {
            this.busStopCode = busStopCode;
            this.roadName = roadName;
            this.description = description;
            this.latitude = latitude;
            this.longitude = longitude;



Both client and server components produce the following output (5296 fake bus stops and 5297 lines in total):
