I'm working with Eclipse and I've got a question about JXTreeTables. I want a window, showing some information about the node, to pop up, when a node is double-clicked. Now, is it possible to get the double-clicked node of the JXTreeTable or null if the click wasn't directly on a node?
How to get a double-clicked TreeTableNode?
1.5k views Asked by user107043 AtThere are 2 answers

Assuming you mean the behaviour of tree.getRowForLocation(...): there is no api on the treeTable, you hit missing api and might consider to file an improvement issue in the swingx issue tracker :-)
Until that'll be available, you have to do it yourself in a custom MouseListener which delegates to the respective tree method. Going slightly (cough ..) dirty in type-casting the renderer for the hierarchical column to a JTree:
MouseListener l = new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (e.getClickCount() != 2) return;
int column = treeTable.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
if (!treeTable.isHierarchical(column)) return;
Rectangle cell = treeTable.getCellRect(0, column, false);
JXTree tree = (JXTree) treeTable.getCellRenderer(0, column);
// translate x to tree coordinates
int translatedX = e.getX() - cell.x;
int row = tree.getRowForLocation(translatedX, e.getY());
LOG.info("row " + row);
Just for the record, there's a parallel thread in the Swinglabs forum over at java.net
The woes of assumptions ;-)
With the OPs own answer the listener will fire on a double click anywhere in the table cell which contains the node, not just when directly over the node (aka: its text). So turns out the requirement is more along the lines of tree.getClosestRowForLocation(..) than the assumed tree.getRowForLocation(..).
I've received an answer on the thread kleopatra mentioned which works perfectly fine and is simplier. Here is the code: