We have Raven deployed on a server and our .NET code can work with it just fine.
When remoted onto the box, I would like to be able to make HTTP calls to Raven through an HTTP client.
I can see in Raven studio that I have a document in a collection called 'Locations' with the ID of 'locations/1'. Raven is running on port 9999, so in my HTTP client (Postman for Chrome) I'm entering the following GET request:
However, I always get 404.
If I malform the URL (e.g. by changing the 'docs' segment to 'documents') I get a response from Raven telling me it doesn't know what to do with the request, so I must be on the right lines. Raven just appears to be telling me the document isn't there, when I know it is.
Can anyone offer some insight?
That URL would address the system database. I assume you are using a named database.