How to generate the best curved fit for an unknown set of 2D points in C++

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I am trying to get the best fit for an unknown set of 2D points. The points are centered points of rivers, and they don't come in a certain order. I've tried to use polynomial regression but I don't know what is the best polynomial order for different sets of data.

I've also tried cubic spline, but I don't want a line through all the points I have, I want an approximation of the best fit line through the points.

I would like to get something like this enter image description here even for lines that have more curves. This example is computed with polynomial regression, and it works fine.

Is there a way to do some smooth or regression algorithm that can get the best fit line even for a set of points like the following? points

    PolynomialRegression<double> pol;
    static int polynomOrder = <whateverPolynomOrderFitsBetter>;
    double error = 0.005f;
    std::vector<double> coeffs;
    pol.fitIt(x, y, polynomOrder, coeffs);
    // get fitted values
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
        int order = polynomOrder;
        long double yFitted = 0;
        while(order >= 0)
            yFitted += (coeffs[order] * pow(points[i].x, order) + error);
            order --;
        points[i].y = yFitted;

In my implementation with an 35 polynomial order this is all I can get check here to see an example, and also changing the polynomial order with higher values turns into Nan values for the coefficients.

I'm not sure if this is the best approach I can have.


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