my current project is using the fips resources of BouncyCastle only for encrypten/decryption signing and so on.. the keys are still generated with the usual C# bouncy castle. Now, because that is a waste i want to change the code, but i can't find any documentation on how to do this.
WHat i have so far:
ECDomainParameters s = new ECDomainParameters(...?)
FipsEC.KeyPairGenerator ecGen = CryptoServicesRegistrar.CreateGenerator(new FipsEC.KeyGenerationParameters(s));
but how do i specify the type of curve, G and n?
thanks in advance if you can help somehow.
I found some examples in BouncyCastle unit tests. Try downloading their code with tests: or find the appropriate source on their web page:
Then look for the class with unit test: ECTest
For example they have code like this: