I'm coming from Ethereum smart contract development background using solidity to Algorand smart contract development using pyteal. I couldn't found any guide or resource on how to generate ABI for an Algorand smart contract because in solidity the ABI was generated automatically after the contract compilation. or what is any other alternative to using ABI in Algorand in order to interact with a React or Angular application?
How to generate ABI for an algorand smart contract written in pyteal?
329 views Asked by Tamim Ehsas At
There are 2 answers

Today you can use the feature/abi
branch of PyTeal and by using the Router an ABI can be generated. I expect this branch to be released imminently so it won't require a special branch soon.
You can find an example of generating an abi.json
file here:
Create abi app
Official documentation on how to create abi app is here: https://pyteal.readthedocs.io/en/stable/abi.html#creating-an-arc-4-program
Use ABI app from SDK
After you create abi compatible algo pyteal you can call it from using AtomicTransactionComposer found in all algosdks.
Official docs: https://github.com/Folks-Finance/folks-finance-js-sdk/blob/main/src/lend/v2/loan.ts#L731
Example from FolksFinance: https://github.com/Folks-Finance/folks-finance-js-sdk/blob/2f82113afe28b032080230f35f51f8499ceb65b4/src/lend/v2/loan.ts#L731
Use ABI app from dApp
Example how to call abi compatible app from dApp: