How to generate a control flow graph for any piece of java program?

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I want to generate a control flow graph directly from the java source code. I have tried to use soot to generate a control flow graph, but soot will check for syntax errors, as shown below.

D:\isoot>java -cp sootclasses-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar --soot-classpath .;"D:\isoot\Java\jre1.8.0_221\lib\rt.jar" --graph=BriefBlockGraph A -src-prec  java
Soot started on Tue Apr 20 11:21:41 CST 2021
  Semantic Error: no visible type named Cache2kBuilder
  Semantic Error: no visible type named Cache2kConfiguration
  Semantic Error: no visible type named Cache2kBuilder
  Semantic Error: can not instantiate Unknown no matching constructor found in Unknown
  Semantic Error: no visible type named Cache2kBuilder
soot.CompilationDeathException: there were errors during parsing and/or type checking (JastAdd frontend)
        at soot.JastAddInitialResolver.formAst(
        at soot.JavaClassSource.resolve(
        at soot.SootResolver.bringToHierarchyUnchecked(
        at soot.SootResolver.bringToHierarchy(
        at soot.SootResolver.bringToSignatures(
        at soot.SootResolver.processResolveWorklist(
        at soot.SootResolver.resolveClass(
        at soot.Scene.loadClass(
        at soot.Scene.loadClassAndSupport(
        at soot.Scene.loadNecessaryClass(
        at soot.Scene.loadNecessaryClasses(
        at soot.Main.main(

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    Please be as precise as possible when giving us
    information on how to reproduce the problem. Thanks!

I know that soot can generate control flow graphs from .class files, but soot has strict requirements on the java version, that is, it can only use the 1.7 version of jdk, otherwise it will easily report errors. This is a fatal shortcoming for me, because I have 100 java projects waiting to generate control flow graphs, and it is difficult to compile these projects with only 1.7 jdk.

I have found that some software for software testing can easily generate control flow graphs directly from source code, such as visutin. How does this kind of software generate control flow graphs? Is there any open source code?



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