I want to transpile a service worker source file so that it will work on browsers that support service workers. I can't use browserslist directly, because the scope does not accept a list of features to support. Caniuse can tell me which browsers support service workers, so is it just a case of manually listing the browsers in the scope like this?
"browserslist": [
"Edge >= 17",
"Firefox >= 44",
"Chrome >= 45",
"Safari >= 11.1",
"Opera >= 32",
"ios_saf > 11.3",
"and_chr >= 84",
"and_uc >= 12.12",
"Samsung >= 4"
I am not sure what you mean by "I can't use browserslist directly, because the scope does not accept a list of features to support.". Which "scope" do you mean? It is supported to query browser features directly.
Example browserslist query for service workers:
supports serviceworkers