How to format a Google Calender API request using HTTParty

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I am getting the following error when I make a request to the Google Calendar API.

{"error"=>{"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"required", "message"=>"Missing end time."}], "code"=>400, "message"=>"Missing end time."}}

What is wrong with my formatting? I've tried a ton of different layouts and can't seem to find much information about using HTTParty to make a request to a Google API.

results ="{Rails.application.secrets.google_api_key}",
  :headers => {
    "Authorization" => "Bearer #{response["access_token"]}"
  :query => {
    "end": {
      "dateTime" => "2015-05-29T09:00:00-08:00",
      "timeZone" => "America/Los_Angeles"
    "start": {
      "dateTime" => "2015-05-29T09:00:00-07:00",
      "timeZone" => "America/Los_Angeles"
    "summary": "TEST POST"

Thanks in advance!


There are 1 answers

polskais1 On

Figured it out. I needed to use a :body key and also specify JSON in the header

results ="{Rails.application.secrets.google_api_key}",
  :headers => {
    "Authorization" => "Bearer #{response["access_token"]}",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"
  :body => {
    "end": {
      "dateTime" => "2015-05-29T09:00:00-08:00",
      "timeZone" => "America/Los_Angeles"
    "start": {
      "dateTime" => "2015-05-29T09:00:00-07:00",
      "timeZone" => "America/Los_Angeles"
    "summary": "TEST POST"