How to force Directpost reply_url to be HTTPS?

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I'm trying to enable the DPM (Direct Post Method) on a Magento 1.11.1 production site. My test site (also Magento works fine because the site is not secure (frontend SSL), but the live site gets an error. Turns out the reply_url sent to (x_reply_url) is being sent as non-ssl (e.g. as a POST). However, this gets a 500 error because Magento is set to require SSL on the frontend. If I send a test post using ( as a POST) it gets a 200 response. I'm looking at this by having turned on Debug in the DPM payment method and then viewing the file var/log/payment_authorizenet_directpost.log.

So I'm looking through all the code in app/code/core/Mage/Authorizenet and have yet to pull out a section of code where it might be getting this non-ssl URL. And of course then answer the question of "Why isn't it pulling a secure URL instead?".

It looks like it originates possibly in the placeAction method of controllers/Directpost/PaymentController.php.

I was hoping I might get some informed insight here as to whether I'm on the right track and how best to log or var_dump the appropriate variables (on my test site) to verify any changes.


There are 1 answers

pcproffitt On

Resolved. This appears to be a bug in the code for the directpost method.

Modified file: app/code/core/Mage/Authorizenet/Model/Directpost.php

Method: getRelayUrl

Old code:

return Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_LINK) . 'authorizenet/directpost_payment/response';

New code:

if(Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->isCurrentlySecure()) {
  return rtrim(Mage::getUrl('authorizenet/directpost', array('_secure' => true)),"/") .     '_payment/response';
} else {
  return Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_LINK) . 'authorizenet/directpost_payment/response';

This was in Magento Pro (same code as Magento EE I have not yet received access to any newer versions of Magento EE in order to see if this has been resolved in 1.12 or higher.