How to fix the width of longtable LATEX

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I want to set the width of my longtable so it fits within the page and not crops out. I have 206 columns and 17 rows.

I use to get my longtable, but the option "Scale table to text width" doesn't work with longtable, could use some help. (Latex beginner here).



\textbf{SN} & \textbf{zhelio} & \textbf{zhelio\_un} & \textbf{zCMB} & 
\textbf{zCMB\_un} & \textbf{Peak\_MJD} & \textbf{Peak\_MJD\_un} & \textbf{x1} 
& \textbf{x1\_un} & \textbf{c} & \textbf{c\_un} & \textbf{mB} & 
\textbf{mB\_un} & \textbf{t} & \textbf{t\_un} & \textbf{Host\_logmass} & 
\textbf{Host\_logmass\_un} \\* \midrule

%table stuff here...



This is what it looks like



There are 1 answers

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Assuming you mean 206 rows and not columns, then you could try the following strategies:

  • put the table on landscape pages

  • use a smaller font

  • reduce the margins of your document to have more space

  • reduce the space between columns



\textbf{SN} & \textbf{zhelio} & \textbf{zhelio\_un} & \textbf{zCMB} & 
\textbf{zCMB\_un} & \textbf{Peak\_MJD} & \textbf{Peak\_MJD\_un} & \textbf{x1} 
& \textbf{x1\_un} & \textbf{c} & \textbf{c\_un} & \textbf{mB} & 
\textbf{mB\_un} & \textbf{t} & \textbf{t\_un} & \textbf{Host\_logmass} & 
\textbf{Host\_logmass\_un} \\* \midrule

%table stuff here...


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