I'm trying to use socket.io with the NuxtJS 3 nitro server. The problem is that my websocket only works in development mode. When I send it to production I cannot receive a response from the websocket.
Maybe it's because I'm not using the same port as my http server. How can I solve the problem?
import { Server } from 'socket.io'
import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
const clients: any = {};
export default defineNuxtModule({
setup(options, nuxt) {
nuxt.hook('listen', (server) => {
console.log('Socket listen', server.address(), server.eventNames())
const io = new Server(server)
nuxt.hook('close', () => io.close())
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
console.log('new connection', socket.id)
clients[socket.id] = socket.handshake.query.clientId;
io.on('connect', (socket) => {
socket.on('message', function message(data: any) {
console.log('message received: %s', data)
const customId = Object.keys(clients).find(key => clients[key] === data['id']);
if (customId) {
console.log('sending to', customId)
socket.to(customId).emit('widget', data)
socket.on('disconnecting', () => {
console.log('disconnected', socket.id)
delete clients[socket.id];