How to fix PageContext "URLS_SAFE_CHECK__CONTENT_URL_REWRITED" error for sitemap

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Sitemap XML on bottom have the following error. Currently Using multi language sitemap and this is the urlset used. Due to the script tag at the bottom Sitemap is not being fetched by Google. How to fix this.

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:mobile="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video="">

new (class PageContext { constructor(clientKey) { this.client = window[Symbol.for(clientKey)], this.bindEvents(); } bindEvents() { const self = this; var f; history.pushState = (f = history.pushState, function() { const ret = f.apply(this, arguments); return self.onUrlChange(), ret; }); let firstReplaceEvent = !0; history.replaceState = (f => function(params) { var ret = f.apply(this, arguments); return firstReplaceEvent || self.onUrlChange(), firstReplaceEvent = !1, ret; })(history.replaceState), window.addEventListener("hashchange", (function() { self.onUrlChange(); })); } onUrlChange() { this.client.emitToBg("URLS_SAFE_CHECK__CONTENT_URL_REWRITED"); } })('MARIO_POST_CLIENT_almalgbpmcfpdaopimbdchdliminoign')


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