How to fix InversifyJs too much recursion error

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This is my first time I implement InversifyJs from scratch. This is a new concept for me to be honest.

I am trying to inject a class A in a class B and vice-versa. Class B In class A. But Inversify does not look happy and returns and error too much recursion.

Here is an example here in CodeSandbox.

I tried to follow the documentation as well in the section of Circular dependencies, but it looks like I am doing something wrong ? Maybe ?


There are 1 answers

Zied Hf On

If anyone is looking for something similar, to solve this issue you need to use factories. See this example here. This topic was useful too

const myContainer = new Container();
  myContainer.bind<IB>(TYPES.B).to(B).inSingletonScope(); // B is the Child
  myContainer.bind<IA>(TYPES.A).to(A).inSingletonScope(); // A is the Parent
  // The magic below !
      (ctx: interfaces.Context) => (parent: IA) => {
        const b = ctx.container.get<IB>(TYPES.B);
        b.setParent(parent); // setter of parent A in B
        return b;