Trying to use an NSI script that works with 2.46 Unicode, in the new version 3, this line:
!insertmacro UAC_AsUser_ExecShell '' '$INSTDIR\test.exe' '--openbrowser' '' SW_SHOWNORMAL
produces the following error:
!undef: "_UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f2" not defined!
Error in macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin on macroline 12
Error in macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_Begin on macroline 6
Error in macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt on macroline 1
Error in macro UAC_AsUser_Call on macroline 5
Error in macro UAC_AsUser_ExecShell on macroline 11
Error in script "c:\my.nsi" on line 308 -- aborting creation process
There is a similar, unanswered question, back from a year ago.
My question:
How to use the UAC plug-in with NSIS 3?
Using UAC plug-in v0.2.4c (20150526) from the wiki I can't reproduce your error with a simple clone of UAC_Basic.nsi in NSIS v3.01: