How to fire WebBrowser RaiseEvent in console application c#?

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So basically I'm trying to fire WebBrowser's RaiseEvent from console applicaton but it does not work. In WinForms project it works well, so I'm just wondering what I have to do to make it work in console app. Is this even possible?

This is how I create thread for my WB

 private static Thread runBrowserThread(int mCandidatePosition)
            var wbThread =  new Thread(() => {              
                mClient = new WebClient();
                mainWebBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
                mainWebBrowser.AllowNavigation = true; 
                mainWebBrowser.DocumentCompleted += MainWebBrowser_DocumentCompleted;
                mainWebBrowser.Navigate(new Uri(xxx));
            return wbThread;

and this is how I try to do it:

        HtmlElement selectType = gDoc.GetElementById("xxx");

The code above work well in WinForms project, but in console application nothing happens. Additionally, InvokeScript works well so it is a bit weird to me.


There are 1 answers

Ashkan Mobayen Khiabani On

You should use the InvokeMember() method of the HtmlElement:

 HtmlElement selectType = gDoc.GetElementById("xxx");