I'm building a prototype stateless game AI, and am interested if there's a way to combine multiple data sources and make a decision about the "best" place to be within a 2D square grid game board
Example inputs:
- An array of players/threats (x,y) coordinates
- An array of possible move (x,y) coordinates within this turn
- An array of traps
- An array of terrain bonus/penalties
- An array of proximity to friendly units/healers
For example, here's my method that calculates the furthest distance from a group of players and moves the monster there (if critically injured). I would like to improve this by including data from arrays like above. I'm afraid this will really bloat such methods - is there a better way to analyze data like I mentioned?
[self debugMessage];
int bestTileIndex = 0;
int maxDistance = 0;
NSMutableArray* playerLocations = [[MapOfTiles sharedInstance] playerLocations];
NSMutableDictionary* validMoveDistanceToEnemy =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:112];
float sum = 0;
//valid move arrays is an array of arrays of tiles at 1, 2, 3,etc moves away from the origin
for(NSArray* reachableTiles in validMoveArrays)
for(NSNumber* tileNumber in reachableTiles)
sum = 0;
for(NSNumber* playerLocation in playerLocations)
sum += [self distanceFromTileIndex:tileNumber.intValue toTileIndex:playerLocation.intValue];
[validMoveDistanceToEnemy setObject:@(sum) forKey:tileNumber];
DLog(@"validMoveDistanceToEnemy: %@",validMoveDistanceToEnemy);
NSNumber* distanceToEnemy = nil;
for (NSNumber* key in [validMoveDistanceToEnemy allKeys])
distanceToEnemy = [validMoveDistanceToEnemy objectForKey:key];
if(distanceToEnemy.intValue >maxDistance)
maxDistance = distanceToEnemy.intValue;
bestTileIndex = key.intValue;
//out of bounds or some other error
[self stationaryAction];
//move to safest tile
[self.actor moveToTileIndex:bestTileIndex];
This isn't an Objective C question, it's an algorithms/AI question.
This is a deep and complex subject.
One approach would be to assign different weights to the different pro/con factors for each tile in the game, and then come up with a total desirability score for each tile based on the sums of those weighted values.
You might also solve a system of simultaneous equations to find the ideal solution.
I'd suggest buying a book on game AI. I've seen quite a few when I've looked int the tech sections of large bookstores (like the now-defunct Borders here in the US)