How to find the JOSE signing key?

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My goal is to determine which kid is used to sign a specific payload:

      try {
        bearerToken = getBearerToken(req.headers);
        console.log("token", { bearerToken });
        // if the bearerToken is signed by another kid, how do i know which key to use?
        let verifyBearerTokenKeystore = await jose.JWK.asKeyStore(mypubkey);
        verifyBearerTokenResult = await jose.JWS.createVerify(
      } catch (e) {
        return res.status(403).send("invalid bearer token");

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If I purposely broke this "kid": "z2U_owemqRLOQYEhiSX1fUrPp72hXSG6dKy8qUvu1DY" in ks.json, I expect node-jose to say:

Error: kid z2U_owemqRLOQYEhiSX1fUrPp72hXSG6dKy8qUvu1DY not found


Error: no key found

How do I make it tell me the kid (key id) it expects? Furthermore how do verifiers extract the jwks_uri?


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