How to find out the QQmlEngine instance of a singleton object?

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I have a class SingletonBaseClass that is defined in C++ and later extended in QML. In the qmldir file, it is marked as a Singleton:

// qmldir file
singleton SingletonClass 1.0 SingletonClass.qml

// SingletonClass.qml
import QtQml 2.0
pragma Singleton
SingletonBaseClass {
    // ...

This is the base class:

class SingletonBaseClass : public QObject 
    SingletonBaseClass(QObject* parent = nullptr) {}

    // Get the owner engine
    Q_INVOKABLE void someMethodCalledFromQml()
        QQmlEngine* ownerEngine = ?

    // Get the single instance of the given engine
    static SingletonBaseClass* instance(QQmlEngine* engine)
        SingletonBaseClass* instance = ?
        return instance;

  1. How can I retrieve the QQmlEngine instance in SingletonBaseClass?
  2. How can I get a pointer to my singleton instance from within a static function?

Note: I have multiple QML engine instances in my application.

[Update]: I wasn't satisfied with the suggested workarounds and so I finally contributed this patch for 1. and QQmlEngine::singletonInstance() for 2. Both changes will be available in Qt 5.12.


There are 1 answers

eyllanesc On BEST ANSWER

If you want to get the QQmlEngine you can use the contextForObject() method as I show below:

Q_INVOKABLE void someMethodCalledFromQml()
    QQmlEngine *ownerEngine = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine();

singletons in qml do not have a parent so a way to access them is by creating a property, for that we create a .qml and create an object with that property as the Singleton:


import QtQuick 2.0

QtObject {
    property var obj: SingletonClass

and then this element is accessed by the following code:

static SingletonBaseClass* instance(QQmlEngine* engine)
    QQmlComponent component(engine, QUrl("qrc:/tmp.qml"));
    QObject *item = component.create();
    SingletonBaseClass *instance = qvariant_cast<SingletonBaseClass *>(item->property("obj"));
    return instance;

In the following link we show an example.