How to find if exist an uppercase character in string?

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I need to know if a string is at least one character or more. I need to find the uppercase character .

I used this code:

str testStr;
int flag;
testStr = "abdE2" ;

flag = strScan(testStr , "ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUVZ" ,flag ,strLen(testStr));
info(strFmt("%1",flag) );

But not work!

A problem is that the function strScan does not distinguish uppercase and lowercase.

There is a solution?




There are 2 answers

Tina van der Vyver On BEST ANSWER

The code below tests if a string is one character or more and afterwards finds all the uppercase characters. Numbers are ignored since they cannot be uppercase.

static void findCapitalLetters(Args _args)
    str testStr = "!#dE2";
    int i;
    int stringLenght = strLen(testStr);
    str character;

    //Find out if a string is at least one character or more
    if (stringLenght >= 1)
        info(strFmt("The string is longer than one character: %1",stringLenght));

    //Find the uppercase character (s)
    for (i=1; i<=stringLenght; i+=1)
        character = subStr(testStr, i, 1);

        if (char2num(testStr, i) != char2num(strLwr(testStr), i))
            info(strFmt("'%1' at position %2 is an uppercase letter.", character, i));

This is the output:

enter image description here

EDIT: Like Jan B. Kjeldsen pointed out, use char2num(testStr, i) != char2num(strLwr(testStr), i) and not char2num(testStr, i) == char2num(strUpr(testStr), i) to make sure it evaluates symbols and numbers correctly.

Alex Kwitny On

Here is a job I wrote that shows 3 different methods of comparing strings with case sensitivity. Just copy/paste/run.

static void Job86(Args _args)
    str a = 'Alex';
    str b = 'aleX';
    int i;
    int n;
    str     c1, c2;

    for (n=1; n<=strLen(b); n++)
        c1 = subStr(a, n, 1);
        c2 = subStr(b, n, 1);

        if (char2num(c1, 1) == char2num(c2, 1))
            info(strFmt("Char2Num()\t%1 == %2", c1, c2));
            info(strFmt("Char2Num()\t%1 != %2", c1, c2));

        if (strCmp(c1, c2) == 0)
            info(strfmt("strCmp()\t%1 == %2", c1, c2));
            info(strFmt("strCmp()\t%1 != %2", c1, c2));

        i = System.String::Compare(c1, c2);

        if (i == 0)
            info(strfmt("System.String::Compare()\t%1 == %2", c1, c2));
            info(strFmt("System.String::Compare()\t%1 != %2", c1, c2));