How to find filter Logcat configuration in Android Studio 1.0?

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I know how to do the actual logcat filtering but I can't find the icon for it. This is a view of the Logcat demonstration that I am following. enter image description here

I saw that this is the standard view for Logcat - How to filter logcat in Android Studio?. However this is what mine looks like. enter image description here

Is there any way I can get the rest of the stuff to show up - Log level, filter, etc? I am running Windows 8 64 bit operating system. These didn't help because in both cases, the user was running a Ubuntu operating system - Android Studio Logcat Filter does not show up. and Android studio: not showing filter option


There are 2 answers


Which version of Android Studio are you using, I am running on Windows 7 + AS 1.0.2 and the wordings and layout is different than yours.

In any case, in my "ADB Logs" view, I see the same thing as you: enter image description here

But when I switch to "Devices | logcat" view, the filter is shown and can be used correctly: enter image description here

So my suggestion would be to update Android Studio and check again.

zipzit On

Is this filter text box what you are looking for?

Android Studio Log Filter Location