How to find a centre in the structure. python code

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I'm beginner to python coding.

I'm working over structural coordinates.

I have pdb structure of 1000 atoms which have xyz coordinate information.

My structure can have any shape.

I am struggling to find the center point inside the structure. From the central point I want to draw a sphere of radius 20cm.

                                 X        Y      Z
ATOM      1  N   SER A   1      27.130   7.770  34.390    
ATOM      2  1H  SER A   1      27.990   7.760  34.930     
ATOM      3  2H  SER A   1      27.160   6.960  33.790    
ATOM      4  3H  SER A   1      27.170   8.580  33.790    
ATOM      5  CA  SER A   1      25.940   7.780  35.250    
ATOM      6  CB  SER A   1      25.980   9.090  36.020    
ATOM      7  OG  SER A   1      26.740  10.100  35.320    
ATOM      8  HG  SER A   1      26.750  10.940  35.860    
ATOM      9  C   SER A   1      24.640   7.790  34.460    
ATOM     10  O   SER A   1      24.530   8.510  33.500    
ATOM     11  N   CYS A   2      23.590   7.070  34.760    
ATOM     12  H   CYS A   2      23.590   6.550  35.610    
ATOM     13  CA  CYS A   2      22.420   7.010  33.900    
ATOM     14  CB  CYS A   2      21.620   5.760  34.270    
ATOM     15  SG  CYS A   2      22.480   4.210  33.970    
ATOM     16  C   CYS A   2      21.590   8.220  34.040    
ATOM     17  O   CYS A   2      21.370   8.690  35.160   

I try this

from __future__ import division
import math as mean
import numpy as nx
from string import*

infile = open('file.pdb', 'r')           #open my file
text1 ='\n')

text = []
for i in text1:
if i != '':

for j in text:
x1 = eval(replace(j[30:38], ' ', ''))         #extract x-coordinate
y1 = eval(replace(j[38:46], ' ', ''))         #extract y-coordinate
z1 = eval(replace(j[46:54], ' ', ''))         #extract z-coordinate

idcord = []
idcord.append(x1); idcord.append(y1); idcord.append(z1)

cenpoint = nx.mean(idcord)   # center point
print cenpoint

There are 2 answers

asafpr On

You would probably want to create a list of values for each axis and then get the mean of each such list.
Let's start with reading the file, the way to read a file is as follows:

xval = []
yval = []
zval = []
with open('file.pdb') as fin:
    for line in fin:
        if line.startswith('ATOM'):
            line_vals = line.strip().split()

Then go on and compute the mean of each list using math.mean

Sven Marnach On

There are two steps here. One is to parse the input file, which can be easily done using numpy.gefromtxt():

a = numpy.genfromtxt("file.pdb", skip_header=1, usecols=[6, 7, 8])

The second step is to average the array along it's first dimension. Use the axis=0 argument to the mean() method:

>>> a.mean(axis=0)
array([ 24.74647059,   7.81117647,  34.64823529])