I have a problem to set the value of checkout date after calendar date is clicked. Here is the code. I try to fill value of check_out_date
by give function onSelect
, but nothing changes to target input value. Can anyone help me to give a solution?
Here is the piece of code:
<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'check_in_date');
//echo $form->textField($model,'check_in_date');
$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(
'name' => 'Reservation[check_in_date]',
'value' => ($model->check_in_date) ?
$model->check_in_date :
'options' => array(
'dateFormat' => 'mm/dd/yy',
'disabled' => 'true',
'showAnim' => 'fold',
//'beforeShowDay' => 'js:$.datepicker.noWeekends',
'onSelect' =>
'js:function() {
// to automatically assign check out date input value
'minDate' => '0',
'changeMonth' => true,
'changeYear' => true,
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'height:20px;'
echo $form->error($model, 'check_in_date');
<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'check_out_date');
//echo $form->textField($model, 'check_out_date');
$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array(
'attribute' => 'check_out_date',
'name' => 'Resevation[check_out_date]',
'value' => ($model->check_out_date) ?
$model->check_in_date :
date('m/d/Y', strtotime("+1 day")),
'options' => array(
'dateFormat' => 'mm/dd/yy',
'showAnim' => 'fade',
'changeMonth' => true,
'changeYear' => true,
'showOn' => 'button',
'buttonImage' => Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/calendar.png',
'buttonImageOnly' => true,
'beforeShow' =>
'js:function() {
var selectedDate = $("#' . CHtml::activeId($model, 'check_in_date') . '").datepicker("getDate");
selectedDate.setDate(selectedDate.getDate() + 1);
$(this).datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);
'htmlOptions' => array(
'style' => 'font-size:0.8em',
'disabled' => 'disabled',
echo $form->error($model, 'check_out_date');
You can take the Selected Date in 'onSelect' event, with a param on function(), like this:
And for apply this date to other datePicker you can do it in the following way: