i have an issue about filling a bidimensional array in Fortran90. in my program I extract different sets of random numbers and check them as uncertainties to my measurements ustar and Tstar, and i get uerr and terr. Now I want to put uerr and terr in a two-dimensional array because then I have to repeat this procedure n times to get different dataset (the Monte Carlo method for the estimation of errors). How do I assign uerr and terr to my array? And how do I iterate the process n times each time you run the program? I tried giving my array "set" the indexes r and c but at compile I get:
Warning: Extension: REAL array index at (1)
i read ustar and tstar from an input file, the code is below:
program stimerr
implicit none
character(len=12) filein,fileout
integer,dimension(1) :: seed = (/4/)
real, dimension(2) :: num
integer :: n,h,i
real, dimension(24,2) :: set
real :: pi = 3.14159
real :: g1,g2,ustar,tstar,uerr,terr
write(*,'(2x,''File di input .......''/)')
read(*,'(a12)') filein
set = 0.
call init_random_seed ()
do n=1,24
read(120,*) h,ustar,tstar
call random_number(num)
g1 =(sqrt(-2*log(num(1)))*(cos(2*pi*(num(2)))))/10.
g2 =(sqrt(-2*log(num(1)))*(sin(2*pi*(num(2)))))/10.
uerr = ustar + g1
terr = tstar + g2
write(*,*) set(uerr,terr)
end program stimerr