I'm running a .bat file via the InvokeProcess activity in a build process template.
When the script fails, the build still continues and succeeds. How can we make the build fails at the time?
I'm running a .bat file via the InvokeProcess activity in a build process template.
When the script fails, the build still continues and succeeds. How can we make the build fails at the time?
You can use MSBUILD to call the bat file.Using the Exit code we can fail the build when bat file failes.
MSBuild file wrapper.proj
<Project DefaultTargets="Demo" ToolsVersion="3.5"
<Target Name="Demo">
<Message Text="Executing batch file $(BatchFile)" Importance="high"/>
<_Command>$(BatchFile) $(build_configurations) </_Command>
<Exec Command="$(_Command)">
<Output PropertyName="CommandExitCode" TaskParameter="ExitCode"/>
<Message Text="CommandExitCode: $(CommandExitCode)"/>
IF (%1)==() goto Start
SET fromMSBuild=1
ECHO fromMSBuild:%fromMSBuild%
REM ***** Perform your actions here *****
set theExitCode=101
IF %fromMSBuild%==1 exit %theExitCode%
REM **** Not from MSBuild ****
ECHO Exiting with exit code %theExitCode%
exit /b %theExitCode%
Thanks to @Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi for his Post
This article shows how to fail depending of the exit code of a console application.
Once the build activity is configured, from your batch file, use the
exit /b 0
to signal everything goes ok, orexit /b 1
to signal there is an error.exit
command ends the execution of the batch file, setting the errorlevel/exitcode to the value after the '/b' parameter.