so if you dont get it what my actual problem is, it is that
@echo off
:: Step 1: Extract Zip File
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path '%CD%\' -DestinationPath '%CD%\cyrex'"
:: Step 2: Add Cyrex Folder to System Path
set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%\cyrex
:: Step 3: Compile and Run Cyrex Program
cyrex program1.crx
:: Step 4: Clean Up (optional)
this i asked chatgpt to tell me a method to extract zip folder so that i can extract and add the path to system path, but the problem is that it isn't adding the path to the system path
i tried everything but none of them was working please help guys ;-;
You are currently only setting the path for your current window.
To set it permanently you need to use