I am trying extract to a single variable kd_490 from a NetCDF file (over thredds) using NCO.
My code is below:
ncks -v kd_490 -d lat,40.0,70.0 -d lon,-20.0,15.0 https://rsg.pml.ac.uk/thredds/dodsC/cci/v4.2-release/geographic/daily/kd/1998/ESACCI-OC-L3S-K_490-MERGED-1D_DAILY_4km_GEO_PML_KD490_Lee-19980102-fv4.2.nc out.nc
However, along with kd_490 it also extracts kd_490_bias and kd_490_rmsd. I know that ncks extracts "associated" variables. See here. However, I am not clear on why NCO is identifying these as "associated" variable.
I cannot figure out a way to only select the variable kd_490. Adding "-C" to the code results in the grid being wrong. Does anyone know how?
Note: CDO can solve this problem. However, CDO is less efficient at extracting the spatial subset in the code, so NCO is more appropriate.
NCO identifies
as associated variables because of theancillary_variables
attribute inkd_490
:as documented here. To extract
without the ancillary variables, but with the grid variables (which are other "associated" variables), this works for me: