How to explore CAS(es) after analysis by SimplePipeline.runPipeline using CollectionReader?

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Good day!

I am a bit stumbled by SimplePipeline.runPipeline api with respect to using CollectionReader(s) and CollectionReaderDescription(s). Api description says: Run the CollectionReader and AnalysisEngines as a pipeline. After processing all CASes provided by the reader, the method calls collectionProcessComplete() on the engines and destroy() on all engines.

It's all good except one thing, once processed, how do I access results in processed CAS(es) once analysis is finished? I don't seem to find any apis/iterators to do this.

Or more general question: If someone has an example of using CollectionReader(s) to perform such analysis or outline general approach and can share it, it is highly appreciated as there seem to be a lack of such examples in the uimafit docs.



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