I need some help regarding how to run a MapReduce Program/Job with Cloudera Docker Container.
I am using a Linux (ElementaryOS) high config. laptop (24GB RAM, i7 Processor).
I am able to install Cloudera docker image, ran it and also did the following without issues:
1. Seeing # prompt and run HDFS command (hadoop fs -ls) though it doesn't return anything.
2. Able to access Hue Editor
3. Able to run Cloudera manager and start all services (Everything).
4.In my Local Environment, I am able to create a WordCount MapReduce program (jar), downloaded all Maven dependencies for this program (not inside docker container).
Now my question is:
How to submit this WordCount JAR to running Docker Container?
How to run this MapReduce program/job (WordCount) with uploaded text file (HDFS)?
How to Execute MapReduce Job/JAR with Cloudera Quickstart Docker container
787 views Asked by Srikanth At
If you start your container with port mapping for the 8888 port, you will be able to access Hue that contains a file brower. So you will be able to easily put HDFS files in you cluster.
To launch a map/reduce job, you will need to copy your jar inside the container, as Cloudera didn't provide any volumes in it's container (at least, not documented here : http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/latest/topics/quickstart_docker_container.html) it can be challenging. Maybe you can try adding it via scp.
I myself create some cloudera containers, I provide one container by node type (masternode, datanode, edgenode) and I just add a volume in the edgenode as iy seems to be a good think to provide. You can find my container in the docker hub : https://hub.docker.com/r/loicmathieu/cloudera-cdh-edgenode/