How to exclude module name in leaf value of Identityref during ODL validation?

254 views Asked by At

I have YANG model and JSON object which will be verified by ODL (see bellow).

I need to exclude module name from JSON to verify.

When I exclude module name from identityref ("type": "center-car-sale-type:sedan") and send only identityref name ("type": "sedan") ODL throw exception that this identityref is not found.

I want to send object without module name because "module name" + "identityref name" leads to mix metadata and instance.

How can I set up ODL validation to avoid module name in leaf value for identityref?

I parse JSON by JsonParserStream.parse(JsonReader) from module.

Thank you in advance!

YANG model:

identity car-type {
      "Car type.";

  identity sedan {
    base car-type;
  identity minivan {
    base car-type;

grouping car {
    uses main-properties;
    leaf type {
      type identityref {
        base car-type;
 leaf max-speed {
      type string;
grouping main-properties {
    leaf id {
      type string;
 leaf name {
      type string;
list car {
 uses car;
 key "id";


 "car": [
    "id": "1",
    "name": "Toyota",
    "description": "Toyota car",
    "type": "center-car-sale-type:sedan",
    "max-speed": "300"
    "id": "2",
    "name": "Honda",
    "description": "Honda car",
    "type": "center-car-sale-type:minivan",
    "max-speed": "250"


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