I am a beginner in writing a RDF schema and was wondering how should I make a good use of URI concept and create a RDFs doc of simple interest. I am trying to create a RDF of following statement-
Jeffy is a Graduate student
Jeffy likes yoga
Jeffy is seeking Tennis.
How should I write a RDF based on these three sentences. Any light on this would be really helpful.
You could use foaf:Person for "Jeffy" (you could give the name with foaf:name resp. foaf:givenName resp. foaf:nick).
You could use foaf:interest for the interest in yoga (you would have to use a foaf:Document that represents "yoga", though; see foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf). Or you could use foaf:topic_interest (the range is
).Being a graduate student could (maybe!) be modelled with foaf:Group.
See the example in Wikipedia, it's in Turtle serialization.