The official K8s documentation states that it is necessary to include ResourceQuota in the --enable-admission-plugins of apiserver to enable resource quota.
In a certain K8s 1.19 environment, I did not find the ResourceQuota configuration in --enable-admission-plugins. However, once resourcequota is set for each Namespace, this resourcequota will take effect. enter image description here
Additionally, by examining the source code of apiserver(release-1.28), the Register method in pkg/admission/plugin/resourcequota/admission.go is not referenced. In pkg/server/options/admission.go, the Validate method of AdmissionOptions will check whether the plugins in the configuration are registered. If not registered, it will return an error. This Validate method is called from the Validate method of RecommendedOptions, but NewRecommendedOptions is not called.
I'm confused.
I would appreciate any guidance from experts. Thank you.
I want to figure out how the ResourceQuota in K8s takes effect. I would like to find the basis from the source code.
I have find the answer to this question myself. The function "enablePluginNames" of AdmissionOptions in vendor/ is the answer.
The plugins in RecommendedPluginOrder will be enabled by default as long as they are not disabled.
RecommendedPlugionOrder is initialized in the NewAdmissionOptions method in pkg/kubeapiserver/options/admission.go.
AllOrderedPlugins is declared like this:
Therefore, the ResourceQuota plugin will be enabled by default, event without being declared in the --enable-admission-plugins parameter.