How to enable multisampling in WebGL2 rust / web_sys

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I'm trying to get multisampling working with rust / webgl2 / web_sys

Basically, I'm using most of the code from here (I just want to draw some basic lines)

let document = web_sys::window().unwrap().document().unwrap();
let canvas = document.get_element_by_id("canvas").unwrap();
let canvas: web_sys::HtmlCanvasElement =
let options = canvas.get_context("webgl2").unwrap().unwrap();
let context = options.dyn_into::<WebGl2RenderingContext>().unwrap();

let program = link_program(&context, ..., ...).unwrap();

let position_attribute_location = context.get_attrib_location(&program, "position");
let buffer = context
    .ok_or("Failed to create buffer")
context.bind_buffer(WebGl2RenderingContext::ARRAY_BUFFER, Some(&buffer));

I had hoped that there might be a functionality like this (I had seen something similar in various opengl examples)

context.clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
context.clear(WebGl2RenderingContext::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);    context.draw_arrays(WebGl2RenderingContext::LINES, 0, vert_count);

Reading as well as I found out that there definitely should be a functionality to do this but unfortunately I cannot figure out how. Also, I couldn't find any examples on the web on how to accomplish this with rust.


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