How to make loggingDebug = "true"
for a request scoped component in /dyn/admin ?
How to enable loggingDebug for request scoped component?
1.3k views Asked by anonymous AtThere are 3 answers

First you have to define a global component with a loggingDebug property.
Now in your request scoped component, link the loggingDebug property to LoggingConfiguration.loggingDebug as follows:
So you can control the loggingDebug configuration from the dyn/admin using the property in global scoped component LoggingConfiguration.
Once the LoggingConfiguration.loggingDebug is set to true, you will have logging enabled in further requests.

yes you can actually do that. go the dyn/admin/nucleus/ and add the path after the nucleus.
check this link
so basically say I have the properties file in atg/userprofiling/ then just type http://localhost:port/dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/userprofiling/myPropertiesFile
You cannot do this via
as the component is by its nature request scoped. What you can do is edit the component's properties file and it will pick this up for the next request.