How to Enable font cleartype in windows with javascript

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I am using a client font(Custom web fonts) in a webpage which requires a small setting in controlpanel to be done. We have to select the font clear type in control panel. (As shown in the pic). Otherwise the font comes up with uneven edges.

Other than manual selection is there any way to achieve this configurtion.

Is there any way we can make this adjustment in the html, css or js only?

Below are the font-faces i am using

@font-face {
     src: url('../fonts/BTFont_Rg.eot');
     src: local('☺'), url('../fonts/BTFont_Rg.woff') format('woff'),url('../fonts/BTFont_Rg.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/BTFont_Rg.svg') format('svg');
     font-weight: normal;
     font-style: normal;

We are using Xampp.

Any suggestions?


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