How to enable flexible configuration of krakenD when used as a go library

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I have used the below code and I am unable to figure out how to enable the krakenD flexible configuration mentioned here in the documentation. Tried several ways by setting env variables before running the code and directly importing But nothing worked for me. Can anyone please help me on this?

package main

import (


func main() {
    port := flag.Int("p", 0, "Port of the service")
    logLevel := flag.String("l", "ERROR", "Logging level")
    debug := flag.Bool("d", false, "Enable the debug")
    configFile := flag.String("c", "/etc/krakend/configuration.json", "Path to the configuration filename")

    parser := config.NewParser()
    serviceConfig, err := parser.Parse(*configFile)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("ERROR:", err.Error())
    serviceConfig.Debug = serviceConfig.Debug || *debug
    if *port != 0 {
        serviceConfig.Port = *port

    logger, _ := logging.NewLogger(*logLevel, os.Stdout, "[KRAKEND]")

    routerFactory := gin.DefaultFactory(proxy.DefaultFactory(logger), logger)


The error message is: 'configuration.json': invalid character '{' looking for beginning of object key string, offset: 55, row: 3, col: 12 exit status 1 configuration.json is below. And the environment variables set are FC_ENABLE=1 \ FC_SETTINGS="$PWD/config/settings"

  "version": 2,
  "name": "api gateway",
  "port": {{ .service.port }},
  "cache_ttl": "3600s",
  "timeout": "10s",
  "github_com/devopsfaith/krakend-cors": {
    "allow_origins": [
    "allow_methods": [
    "allow_headers": [
    "expose_headers": [
    "max_age": "12h"
  "extra_config": {
    {{ marshal .service.extra_config }}
  "endpoints": []

There are 1 answers

alo On

When debugging KrakenD's flexible configuration add the FC_OUT variable to see the compiled template. For instance:

FC_OUT=the-compiled-file.json \
FC_PARTIALS="$PWD/config/partials" \
FC_SETTINGS="$PWD/config/settings/$TARGET_ENV" \
FC_TEMPLATES="$PWD/config/templates" \
krakend check -c krakend.tmpl

Then you will be able to open this the-compiled-file.json and see any syntax errors. It's just that the resulting file is not a valid JSON file, no matter if you are using it as a library or the official compiled image.