How to embed vrml animation on android html application

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I want to embed a vrml animation (file type = .wrl) in my android html application, build with CLI phonegap.

It is working correctly with a JPG image, but I can not make it run with my vrml file.

Here is a simple example that what I want to do:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<embed src="/sdcard/Documents/DataBase/vrml2.wrl" type="model/vrml" width=600 height=750>

On my Android Samsung Tablet, nothing is displayed here.

But if I change the embed line with this one:

<embed src="/sdcard/Documents/DataBase/DemoFile.jpg" width=600 height=750>

My JPG image is displayed on my tablet.

I try also this:

<embed src="/sdcard/Documents/DataBase/vrml2.wrl" width=600 height=750>

In this case, the first line of the wrl file is displayed on the tablet screen, in plain text.

I have installed the FreeX3D android application. No problem to load the vrml file via the FreeX3D application itself. It is working OK.

Thanks in advance for any help,


PS: This is working OK in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7, with Cortona VRML software install.


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