How to embed Stripe Pricing tables in Angular app

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Reading Stripe docs regarding the embeddable Pricing tables feature - I have constructed a pricing table following the steps as described.

This results in a code snippet that can be used to embed the hosted pricing table on one's own website/application.

Example snippet;

<script async src=""></script>
<stripe-pricing-table pricing-table-id="xxx_xxxxxxxxxx"

The examples in the docs relating to how to embed this snippet give only HTML and React examples.

I'd like to know how to achieve the same result in angular.

I have attempted to use Stipe Elements to build an element to hold the pricing table, but Elements does not seem to have a component for the new Pricing tables.


There are 2 answers


Yes at the moment Stripe Docs has no information for Angular. Here is my solution suggestion with dynamic attribute placement from component to html view.

1. index.html

  <!-- Paste the script snippet in the head of your app's index.html -->
  <script async src=""></script>

2) in xyz.module.ts

import {NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA} from '@angular/core';
  declarations: [
  imports: [...],
  schemas: [

3. in xyz.component.ts

public stripe_key: string = 'pk_test_***';
public stripe_table: string = 'prctbl_***'

4. in xyz.componet.html


If you don't need dynamic publishable-key and pricing-table-id skip point 3 and hardcode point 4, as here:


Skizaru On

I just found the solution and processed as followed :

  1. Integrate the stripe script file inside your index.html.

  2. Create and extends a component with HTMLElement and do as they say here

  3. Then you had CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA from Angular core to your module :

    @NgModule({ ... schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA })

  4. Finally, call your component which embed the stripe pricing table web component and your pricing table will shows up properly in an Iframe.