I have this simple chart made from custompainter, i also used a touchable lib to detect touches, but I dont know how to have it repaint or draw a rect when the user touches it.
Tried Methods:
- draw directly after clicking
onTapDown: (details) {
//display details
toolTipDisplay = true;
toolTipPos =
Offset(details.globalPosition.dx, details.globalPosition.dy);
Rect.fromLTRB(toolTipPos.dx, toolTipPos.dy, 100, 100), paint);
This results in the error Unhandled Exception: Bad state: A Dart object attempted to access a native peer, but the native peer has been collected (nullptr). This is usually the result of calling methods on a native-backed object when the native resources have already been disposed.
- Tried setting up a variable to change in the onTap Func, and draw it on paint Func. Does not draw anything when clicked.
Here is the paint Func of the Painter:
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
//turn canvas to canvas with hittest
touchable.TouchyCanvas touchCanvas =
touchable.TouchyCanvas(context, canvas);
// calculate series
// 20% empty space
// 80% series
double seriesWidth = chartWidth / barData[0].valueList.length;
double seriesLeft = chartLeft;
// and then work on adding the height of the bars
barData.asMap().forEach((index, series) {
paintBars(seriesWidth, seriesLeft, series, maxY, chartHeight, touchCanvas,
redPaint, index);
Paint linePaint = Paint();
linePaint.color = Colors.red;
linePaint.strokeWidth = 3;
lineData.asMap().forEach((index, series) {
paintLines(seriesWidth, seriesLeft, series, maxY, chartHeight,
touchCanvas, linePaint, index);
// axis titles
// xTitle
if (xAxisTitle != null) {
paintXAxisTitle(chartLeft, chartWidth, chartHeight, size, canvas);
// yTitle
if (yAxisTitle != null) {
paintYAxisTitle(chartLeft, size, chartHeight, canvas);
paintXTitles(seriesLeft, seriesWidth, chartHeight, size, canvas);
nextUnit, maxY, chartHeight, size, chartWidth, canvas, blackPaint);
//display tooltip
if (toolTipDisplay) {
Paint toolTipPaint = Paint();
toolTipPaint.color = Colors.blue;
toolTipPos.dx, toolTipPos.dy, 100, 100, Radius.circular(20)),
The onTap functions are inside paintLines
and paintBars
Tooltip is already designed as a Widget in flutter: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Tooltip-class.html
You can find multiple cases and customization examples from the above link.
Also, achieve this with package: https://pub.dev/packages/just_the_tooltip
(This package provide customization for the Tooltip)