Everyone is referring jaotc to http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/295. But from that web page, I cannot figure how to download jaotc.
How to download jaotc?
814 views Asked by Mousheng Xu At
There are 3 answers

It is an experimental new feature in JDK 9 for Linux x64. So, if you are using Linux, just download JDK 9 from Oracle website and in the folder $JAVA_HOME/bin you will find jaotc.
In the link that you shared, see:
AOT initial release in JDK 9 is provided for experimental-only use and is restricted to Linux x64 systems running 64-bit Java with either Parallel or G1 GC...
It is included in Oracle JDK version 9 (Ubuntu installation)
If you have installed JDK 9, it is probably on your PATH or in bin directory of JDK's home.