I want to stress test a website. Main aim is to find performance degrading point, in terms of number concurrent users and number of hits/sec (RPS).
I have used ultimate thread group and set the number users to 200 with ramp up of 200 seconds. I have added the throughput shaping timer to ultimate thread group and set the number of request per second to 8. (If I have only one sampler hits per second is well controlled and it was 8 hits/sec. If I have more than one sampler hits were not controlled and they even reached 20, 25,40 etc.. I ended up using constant throughput timer)
Let's go back to stress testing. to find the performance degrading point, in terms of number of concurrent users and hits per second, how should I simulate the load. Eg: my website's expected degradation point is 300 users at 12 requests per second, at avg response time of the site is 800ms. But it could support more users may be 500 users and may be 15 RPS. What if I want to add some delay between each sample, where should I be adding timers? to the thread group or to the samplers?
Timers have their scope. From the Timers documentation:
The similar situation is highlighted in How to Use JMeter Assertions in 3 Easy Steps guide:
The only difference is that timers are being processed BEFORE sampler and assertions are executed AFTER.