How does one allow customers to access a SaaS using their organization name in the domain?
For example, a web app,, may have 2 customers, OrgA and OrgB.
Once logged in, each customer is redirected to their site, /
Once the request that includes the subdomain reaches the node server, my hope is to handle the request with a single '/' route. Inside the route handler, it simply inspects the host header and treats the subdomain as a param for the organization.
Something like:
app.get "/*", app.restricted, (req, res) ->
console.log "/* hit with #{req.url} from #{}"
domains = "."
if domains
org = domains[0]
console.log org
# TODO. do something with the org name (e.g. load specific org preferences)
res.render "app/index", { layout: "app/app" }
NB. The first item in the domains array is the organization name. I am assuming that no port appears in the host header and, for now, I am not considering how to handle non-organisation sub domain names (e.g. www, blog, etc.).
The question I have is more about how node/express can be configured to handle requests with varying host headers. This is generally solved in Apache using a wildcard alias or in IIS using a host header.
An Apache/Rails example is @
How can the same be achieved in node?
I think that any request that arrives at the IP-address and port of your node server should get handled by your node server. That's why you make vhosts in apache, to differentiate between the requests apache receives by for example subdomain.
Take a look at the source code for express-subdomains if you want to see how it handles subdomains (the source is only 41 lines).